Preventative Care@3x

REMINDER: Temperatures are Rising!

Apr 27, 2015 | Arizona Pet Health

As summer rolls in, we need to think about our pets, especially pups that spend a lot of time outside. Here are some things to keep in mind:


  • First of all, NEVER EVER EVER leave your pet locked in the car. The temperature inside your car is substantially hotter than the temperature outside.
  • Keep your pets inside as much as possible on hot days (which is almost every summer day in Phoenix!)
  • When exercising your pet, be sure to walk or run in the early morning or late afternoon/evening only. The pavement and sidewalks get very hot and can burn their paws easily.
  • Be sure to bring your pets water if you do take them on a walk or run.
  • Make sure your pet has plenty of shade…preferably tarps or shady trees. Dog houses can actually be hotter for them because it prevents air from flowing through.
  • Water is ESSENTIAL! Ensure your pet always has water and add ice cubes when you can. This will help keep it cool when you are going to be gone for a few hours.
  • If you feel your pet has been exposed to the heat for too long and may be suffering a heat stroke, move them to a shaded or air-conditioned location quickly and help cool them with ice packs or cool cloths. Call your vet if you are concerned about their health.

It is important for us to remember, that when we are hot, so are our pups (and cats that spend time outside, too.) In fact, they probably get hotter much quicker than we do because of their fur. Pay extra attention to your pet as the temperatures rise. It can be especially tricky as the summer begins because it may be cool in the morning and evening, but during the day it gets hot. Keep yourself informed about the weather if you work or are going to be away from your home for the majority of the day. If there is ever any question, always error on the side of caution!


Disclaimer: Not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet. If you think your pet has a medical emergency, call or visit your veterinarian or your local veterinary emergency hospital immediately.